Products > Stone Modified
3/4 modified
Common Uses: Blue 3/4" modified is a good material to top dress driveways or stone parking lots.
2A Modified compacted
Once compacted, 2A Modified provides a great finish surface or as an area ready to accept blacktop.
2A Modified
2A Modified is great for areas where compaction is desired such as in parking lots, roads or driveways. 2A has a top rock size of 1.5 inches.
3A Modified
3A Modified is great for areas with a deep fill (ie more the 6") where compaction is desired such as in parking lots, roads or driveways. 3A has a top rock size of 2 inches.
2RC is an open spec modifed that varies based upon current production. Our 2RC tends to be brown and while normally sized 3/4" and below the spec allows up to about a 2" size.